發文作者:kahoo | 13 三月, 2008

馬英九被刺 (拍的很幽默)

Just opened my mailbox and got this from a historian friend of mine..  with the above title.



  1. 嘩, 嘩, 嘩, 嘩, 嘩! 李家豪,乜D口味越黎越貼緊我塵廳長, 嘻!
    小馬哥, 小心睇住” 小馬” 呀! 容不易淨間篤下篤下, 搞到同我塵廳長一樣, 要練葵花寶典, 咁就喊都無謂!

  2. 終於被我搵到啦!!!!!!!! 好搞笑.

  3. 無有怕!

  4. I hope I won’t see any comment about Khadr here…..

  5. 多食偉哥──莊敬自強

  6. 「女殺手」心狠手辣, 厲害, 厲害.

  7. LMF,

    How about林毅夫and陳雲英? (This question is just for fun. Don’t take it seriously)

  8. 馬英九: 我忍, 我忍.

  9. 今晚點唱 “男人最痛"

  10. 小馬哥:

    請大家放心, 我無事.

  11. 以前無線有位男記者叫「趙應春」, 睇嚟馬英九都係時候改姓「篤」, 叫:

    「篤應 9」

    (Inspired by: 涼山伯, 篤應柴)

    話時話喇, 佢父親姓馬就算啦, 做乜重要咁有文化, 話隻馬又應該係隻狗嚟呢? 橫睇掂睇, 隻馬都唔似隻狗吖? 真係拗哂頭!

  12. 當年蘇聯特務追殺變節者到倫敦,用藏有劇毒針頭雨傘行刺,數小時內一命烏呼。小馬哥被刺中要害,極有可能一厥不振,陰氣越盛陽氣日衰,美國可能有女總統,台灣可能有陰陽難辨總統。

  13. 小馬哥 : 有苦自己知
    睇唔睇到,傘係綠色, 民進黨摻透力….強 強 強

  14. 小馬哥被襲無有怕~
    厘四條[粉腸]直搗敵營唔係[無間道]就係[short 上腦]~

  15. 獨孤bro:

    One saying is that the origin of “英九" refers to the British-ruled Kowloon where he was born.

    Meanwhile, I saw from the newsclip that it’s an election between a 笨蛋 and a 壞蛋.

  16. 馬英九大難不「刺死」, 必有後「福」, 3月22日大選可能有機.

  17. 馬英九 is very popular among ladies, he is a “C9 killer", back when I’ve talked to a lady she said she was very lucky to be able to talk to 馬英九 when he was in HK, she said she was like had a total crush on him…

  18. 一拳打中要害=趙應春


  19. Cat Lover:
    Don’t worry, I can take any kind of humour…..but in today news, Linda Peng, the mother (assumed she has bipolar disorder as reported) who killed her autistic daughter was sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 10 years. What’s wrong with the judge? Those guys who shoot and killed innocent bystanders don’t get the life sentence, and usually walk out of jail in a few years! Look, Jane Creba case is still in proceedings, probably these guys would walk away too.

  20. 誰是「刺馬」主謀, 陳生, 馬生, 或者是李生?

  21. 一定是小馬哥的「苦肉計」, 引人注意, 橋唔怕舊, 最緊要受.

  22. 睇下美國CNN如何編輯圖片:


  23. 小馬哥今次形勢大好,許多的士佬由綠變藍,地下賭盤小馬哥讓50萬票也要封盤,看來這場64波想爆泠都幾難,如無特大事故,小馬哥坐定粒六當下屆總统。

  24. http://www.thestar.com/News/World/article/346380
    Some Canadians are outraged Khadr remains the sole Westerner among the 275 prisoners at Guantanamo. But unlike other countries that have demanded the release of their citizens, Canada says it will not intervene in his trial.
    ..the defence revealed two documents penned after the firefight by the on-scene commander. In one official report dated July 28, 2002, a “Lieut. Col. W" wrote that the person who lobbed the grenade had died, ruling out Khadr as the suspect.
    Yet, in another report written two months later, but also dated July 28, the commander changed it to read that the grenade thrower did not die.

  25. Riots in Lhasa
    I think China Communist Party may be suppressing the Tibetian too much. However, Dalai Lama, proponent of Tibet independent via peacful action, shouldn’t he said something to reduce violence? It is both not human to suppress Tibet, whereas Hans folks in Tibet are being beaten to death, Hans shops looted,…

  26. oops, my bad the " Anonymous // March 16, 2008 at 7:54 am " was me.

  27. 8964

  28. 唔該哂, Cytodex bro:

    原來馬英九係喺 1950 年 在九龍「講話醫院」出世嘅。 呢間醫院, 同我哋 Kitchener 間 Grand River Hospital 有一樣共通點, 就係出哂名d人打棟入打橫出嘅; 咁佢可以打棟出, 都算好嘢囉。(嗯, 我估BB瞓喺個搖籃道出嚟都算打橫出啩),

    不過如果叫「英九」嘅, 聽落又好似「英國走狗」咁, 唔通佢父親又係好似後期d反轉香港, 不滿港英政府嘅人? 但不滿還不滿, 都咪揾自己個仔個名嚟教飛吖, 唏!

  29. 馬英九祖籍湖南省湘潭縣馬家堰,出生於英屬香港九龍廣華醫院[4],曾居於調景嶺[5]。父親馬鶴凌,在抗日戰爭時加入青年軍[6],後則從事公務﹔最高公職為行政院青輔會十二職等處長,退休前的職務是國民黨中央考紀會副主委。母親秦厚修曾任中央銀行外匯局主任,家中育有五個子女,馬英九是唯一的兒子。

    馬英九的名字是源自於馬家族譜,「英」為「上尊大人,英才繼起」 ,「九」則是希望能以「九思立身」並且「體健九如」


  30. canadian shouldn’t help Khadr, he’s a terrorist. only stupid people believe he’s innocent.

  31. kw, please try to see if you can repeat your saying to anyone you meet on the street 🙂 If not someone is a cowardly screamer in the hiding hole 🙂
    I ‘m so happy coz I can repeat anything I wrote here to anyone I meet on the street.

