發文作者:kahoo | 15 十月, 2006

是別人歧視我們? 還是自己做得不好?



自覺被歧視的一方,通常比較樂於認同「無端的歧視」。惟其無端,才能顯示被歧視的無辜;才能突出歧視者的罪惡。上海租界公園掛出「狗與華人不准入內」,無疑是赤裸裸的歧視。但據當時人姚公鶴所記,肇因是「華人一入公共地方,折花驅鳥,糟蹋地方,無所不為」。 當 然我們可以說,不是所有華人都這麼惡劣,一竹篙打沉一 船人,對公德心良好的其他華人不公平。是的,現在西人的做法比較聰明了,例如羅浮宮、巴黎聖母院之類,都新增了簡體中文提示:「請勿高聲喧嘩」;澳洲的公 廁新增中文告示:「便後請勿拿走衛生紙」。這些地方都沒有掛出告示牌「華人不准入內」。西人進步了,他們知道不是所有華人都高聲喧嘩和拿走衛生紙,沒有進 步的是華人。

上海租界的 西人不算太愚蠢,他們拒絕華人後,也考慮及華人上公園的權利不應就此被剝奪,因而另建了華人專用公園,但要請警察看守,園中樹木才「尚少攀折」。今日的法 國人不可能另建一座羅浮宮或聖母院專供華人參觀;澳洲即使斗膽實行「公廁種族隔離」,恐怕也要學上海租界華人公園,請專人看守著衛生紙才行。




  1. 世界上沒有無端沒有無端的臺獨;也沒有無端的中國興旺,繁榮,昌盛,成功…中華盛勢好…….

  2. In the 1960s, when the Japanese corporations began to prosper, they sponsored their employees for trips to Hong Kong and South Asia. The Japanese male would piss anywhere in the corner of the streets especially after they got drunk. Today, when you visit Japan’s entertainment areas, you can still smell that characteristic urine smell. The Japanes Tour authority did published some handbooks reminding their citizens not to do pissing in the streets.

    So the Chinese government is not the first one to give handouts to the citizens when they make tours in foreign places. May be the Chinese government picked up this idea from the Japanese who did this in the 1960’s.

  3. No kidding! Canada CIA still on air after explsen his ID! Hmm..mm…Funny!

  4. 本來好想化一化個筆名做"紅白旗威揚" (紅者,楓葉也),等亞May唔駛又叫自己做和合石獨孤乜乜,又追住我嚟咬。不過都係唔好啦,做copycat嚟抄習呢位咁愛祖國旣鐵血烈士,沾到佢光就唔好啦。
    Whew! 好彩澳洲各國只係用簡體字唧,即喺唔關我事。哦,都喺唔係好妥,雖然我個袞樣明眼人一睇就知我係明碼實價嘅香港加粲,但萬一我俾人錯愛,當正我係個會攞人廁紙,隨地吐痰既大聲公,咁咪大獲? 唔怕,有計:
    1. 學D鬼咁紋D中文字喺身,不過一係唔紋,一紋就要紋激D,紋"香港人",或"港加粲","非同志"等等,中英繁簡體對照,紋到正一正額頭,咁就永遠再冇人將我同另外嗰十三億同胞撈亂啦啩!
    2. 將咁多年嚟辛辛苦苦,卷到條脷都打晒結,改咗D嘅口音,變番做港英口音(呢,陳四萬嗰隻呢!)。例如demand, 要讀de-mon; centre呀,peter呀, here呀,就要讀centa, peta, hea 等等;
    3. 用更大聲嘅聲量喺街道講廣東話。因為大聲噪嘅就一定喺十三億嘅同胞,但超大聲嘅,就梗係不折不扣嘅香港人啦。
    4. 整埋個煲汰(bow tie)係條頸, 番版埋曾持首個欵,唔通仲會有人認錯我係紅旗威揚?

  5. 求丙兄所言甚是.
    昨晚 “Hk驚謬處" 處長騷殖糧在廢記電視節目 “全霉也焦" 都講話: 香港係一個品牌. 所以, 重拾 Hong Kong Accent 用於平日英語會話當中, 可以 differentiate 我地港燦 from 國寶. Plus, 記住講廣東話除左要大大聲之外, 仲要中間加插英文詞彙, 成為陪伴我地成長既 Chinglish. 名乎其實香港品牌也!

  6. what’s your point 獨孤求丙?
    saying this and that without a main point!

  7. 唱衰香港;唱衰中國;唱衰中國人;
    好中國不會因此被唱衰 ……….

  8. 蘇賡哲

    Not sure what you are saying here ?

    Are you saying if we felt being 歧視, it’s our fault. There is no 種族歧視. I am not sure what your point.

    I am surprised. You seem much profound than that and I am going to give you benefit of doubt.

    It’s true that we need to strenghten ourself. We shall treat out the same way you like to be treated. We can accept other people are discriminating. But we can not say that it’s our fault. We cannot change other people but we can change ourself to accept 歧視 does exist.

    We need to be more inclusive. We need to accept the fact that 歧視 goes both way. Not just one way that we need to accept that it’s our fault.

    I think you should come out and clarify here as I don’t listen to your radio all the time.

    By the way, you are good most of the time but I am not agree with you on this issue.

  9. What is wrong with this poison mushroom Ah Ping character?
    How can he accuse of a little girl & will send her to cememtery?
    Poisoned minded…….
    Afterall, what is wrong with loving China,hating democracy and election?
    because Canada finish last in all G-8?

  10. 人的成長和一個社會的成長,其實有很多相似的地方。像臺灣,戒嚴時期最重要的社會目標是解禁,當時甚至有人提出“報禁黨禁一開,民主自然來”。可是,解禁以後媒體有媒體自身的問題,黨禁開放以後,以為一人一票的選舉就可以有民主,很多問題就可以解決了。選舉來了,才發現原來的問題還沒有因為選舉解決,新的問題已經出現,於是又寄望於“政黨輪替”,“政黨輪替”以後的故事,大家都很清楚了。



  11. 祖國不要有民主


  12. 獨孤某謝過加燦兄,真是知我者,莫若加燦兄也。
    不過睇嚟今次都要 Chinglish-English 雙語並用, 咪又俾諸位如 Deeply Concerned 君以為獨孤者,乃"毒菇"也!其實獨孤者,乃孤獨也。而求丙者,則因小人乃性情中人,言論直率,又喜諷剌時弊,兼愛抱打不平 (即『做架量』也) 當然得罪人多,所以亦難免周時被『丙』。但好在面皮天生其厚無比, 至可生存至今,托賴。當然,若諸君如『獨步青雲』君將小人之言論視為"『垃圾』,蒙請立刻惚袖而去,切勿打爆營幕,保重身子為上
    首先: Chinglish篇
    有問我以上『港燦乃非國寶』篇, Pointlessness 君問 so…"What’s your point?" . 又見獨步青雲君話我『唱衰香港,唱衰中國,及唱衰中國人』。但身為一港生又是當地土生土長之現今加國公民,處境及身份之懢价之處,實百思不得其解,至有以上之諷刺篇。不如咁啦,等我題出以下幾個問題,另諸位撫心自問,如有確實又誠實之答案,蒙請速速賜教:
    1. 如果閣下親身見到用簡體字寫之警告牌, 不准XX, 又不准XX, 而你亦真是親眼目睹『同胞門』此真有此等所為,你會覺得被人羞辱呀、或是覺得事不關己呢?
    2. 你有冇覺得『我地香港人梗係有文化過 D 亞燦啦』j? 就算你冇,你估其他香港人有冇呢? 但真實又喺唔喺呢我等比他等有文化 D 呢?
    3. 如果要你揀一樣,你其實比較想加國國旗揚威, 定係紅旗威揚呢?如果是後者的話,為何你又甘於留於此地呢? 威揚者,乃邊個國家手瓜硬 D 也。 即是好似上次本國欵待達賴啦嘛而受大陸抗議話如果加國接見佢,中國就cancel D contracts, 你會幫邊便呢?
    4. 香港人過到嚟,應唔應該轉講美加口音呢? 你又同唔同意『Hk驚謬處』 處長騷殖糧所講之『重拾 Hong Kong Accent』 論呢?
    5. 上次喺 streetcar 道, 一女人超大聲用廣東話自言自語(當然我唔係第一次見到呢 D 『大』場面啦),坐對面一白人婦女望住我,好似要我解釋為何你哋 D 中國人咁樣嘅,你叫我應點做?
    6. 如果我咁就係『唱衰香港,唱衰中國,及唱衰中國人』,我就肯定唔係第一個咁做。除咗蘇賡哲之所,上有柏楊寫的【醜陋的中國人】,近有各個中、港、台之各個時事評論人。David Letterman、Jay Lenno 亦晚晚唱衰美國人, ABC 20/20 旣 John Stossel 亦個個禮拜『唱衰美國同美國人』了! 所以我真唔明, 如果我哋唔出聲嚟指出中國人嘅陋習 even though 其他國家的人亦咁覺得, 係唔係做緊駝鳥呢?
    以批評時敝而以此為鑑, 才是救國,救民,自立,自强,潔身之本也,
    Now, the English Edition
    Mr./Mrs. Deeply Concerned, “Poisoned Mushroom" is not my name, I think probably the closest transliteration of my name is “The Loney Sadomasochist" because I love counter-arguments, even malicious ones, that always give me other dimensions of thinking apart from my own tunnel-vision.
    When you read my satiric blog on “Distinguishing Me from My Mainland Chinese Counterpart", you should read between the lines to dig out the true meanings of every sentence. According to Mr./Mrs. 獨步青雲, I was “putting down HK, China, and Chinese". Being a Hk-born Chinese, I think all people like me should have embarrassing dilemmas haunting us from time to time. Let me ask you these rhetoric questions and please let me know if you have any candid and concrete answers to these questions:
    1. If you see a sign written in simplified Chinese prohibiting anyone from perpetrating some public mischievous acts, what is your immediate reaction? Do you distance yourself from the suject in question right away or do you feel that it is none of your business?
    2. Do you think HK-born-and-raised people are more civilized than their mainland Chinese counterparts? Even if you don’t feel that way, do you think other people in HK feel this way though? Do you honestly think it is true, or untrue for that matter?
    3. Do you pledge allegiance to Canada or China, overtly and secretly? What if a conflict arises and you have to choose between these two countries to serve? Remember, you are commiting treason if you pledge allegiance to the latter while you are a Canadian citizen, no matter what law governs dual citizenship here.
    4. Do you wish to change your accent to sound like a mainstream Canadian, or do you insist on speaking with the normal British-HK tone?
    5. I was in a streetcar once and a caucasian woman looked at me as if she wanted me to explain to her why another woman was practically shouting in Cantonese. What should I tell her? It’s just our culture to speak this way or should I pretend to be a more “civilized" Japanese so it’s only THEM who do this sort of thing?
    6. Did I belittle HK, China, and Chinese in my writing? Even if I did, I surely was not the first and certainly won’t be the last. Besides Dr. So, we have the book The Ugly Chinese written almost a century ago. Also, commentators in HK, Taiwan, and mainland China must also be included in this list of “traitors". Other well-known traitors, if you will, include David Letterman, Jay Lenno, John Stossel who belittle Americans (and also other peoples in other nations too) . Do you think these public misdemeanors simply don’t exist if we, the descendents of the Great Dragon Nation, just ignore them, even when other countries are openly errecting signage to warn particularly Chinese not to commit them?

    Have an open-mind and self-discipline as well as justify our own actions before we do them. Always take a retrospective view after the fact and don’t repeat your mistakes. These guidelines should be our bible to build a strong country, whether this country is Canada, or even China for that matter.

    – The Loney Sadomasochist –

  13. My apologies, I even misspelled my name: it should read “The Lonely Sadomasochist"

  14. 壹加燦兄講到關於 Hong Kong Accent 的一點: 當晚節目中, 蘇處長只是有說香港是一個品牌, 無講話講英文應該用 Hong Kong Accent云云. 獨孤求丙兄切勿誤會, 以免陷蘇處長於不義也.
    關於求丙兄之問題, 以下為在下之答案,敬希分析回應: (在下也是香港出生,當地土生土長之現今加國公民。)
    1) 不會覺得被人羞辱,只是覺得有中國人(直接說是國內同胞)做了缺得的事才會令澳洲法國有如此回應.
    2) 誠實答案: 有. (這是宏觀的﹐微觀也有例外 — 我的一個鄰居是從五年前從上海來的移民﹐文化及文明水平極高﹐英文也講得好過我。不過愚見是這只是鳳毛麟角。)
    3) 想加國國旗揚威。 達賴既問題﹕幫加拿大。仲有﹕中國 cancel contracts 是應該要賠款的。

    4) 應該轉講美加口音。騷殖糧無講過『重拾 Hong Kong Accent』之論 。

    5) 我的第一反應係﹕對住果位西婦﹐伸開兩手﹐縮起雙肩﹐面部作出莫名奇妙狀。

    6) 如果我哋唔出聲嚟指出中國人嘅陋習 even though 其他國家的人亦咁覺得, 我哋係做緊駝鳥。

    Thank you for your kind attention.

  15. 星期五、星期六,連續兩天的話題都是有關中國人受外國人歧視。記得" 精武門 “中指出當年我国北方的外國租界公園有規例是" 華人與狗不得進入 “。當時看了之後心中實在非常不痛快,覺得這些人太過份,你們來到我國國土,居然如此無視我們中國人民。後來有幸,被公司派到上海、天津及北京駐守,一住便是七年,在這七年裏我深深體會到為何會有" 華人與狗不得進入 “這句佳句,若然當年換上是我,我必然也會寫出同樣的句子;你們可否知到在公園裏,他們真的可以是隨便放" 飛劍 “,無論牆壁、樹幹、草地、長椅……等,你都可以發現痕跡。小童的大小二便也不難發現,總之清風送" 爽 “垃圾及煙頭更不用說,有些名勝石像註明不准擧爬,他們也好少理,越過圍欄爬上去拍照。( 當然我去的地方並非旅行团的指定地點,而是他們日常生活的地方) 我想:其實真正的民主自由,在西方國家絕對找不到,也不容許,事實在我們偉大的中國才可找到,只要你想想,我上面提到的情景,他們活得多開心,維所欲維,聽不順耳,可以破口大罵,再不是就享以老拳,報公安,他們又好少理,因你連普通話都帶口音,肯定非本地人,大事化小,小事化無,那麼天天都無事,天天都過著比歐美還要有自由、有人權的生活,多好!
    但上邊我所說的是否種族岐視呢?我也是中國人呀!為何我也會岐视中國人呢,難道我是走狗?對,我希望一些同胞文明點,不要亂吠!我們應勇于面對現實才可以解决問題,不應老將問題的責任推給別人,理怨人家不好,人家霸權主義,人家不公平,然後再想辨法將自己錯誤合理化,之後再開開心心現再去犯錯;比如我冇錢又肚餓,所以我便去偷或是去搶來醫肚,這個是再正常不過 (在他們的角度可能是這樣),沒啥不對。

  16. 一言堂


    重慶網上辱人最高罰5千元 (11:54)


    在網上發布侮辱他人的資訊、散布不利於他人的言論、進行人身攻擊、詆毀他人形象等行為,將招致相應的處罰:警告,對個人處以1000元以上5000 元以下的罰款,對單位處以3000元以上1.5萬元以下的罰款,並處以5日以下拘留,情節較重的,處以5日以上10日以下拘留。

  17. This actually raises an international issue more then anything else.

    Are you absolutely sure only Chinese, in general, are the ones that would be loud, steals toilet papers… etc?

    If you think yes, well, I can only say is, you haven’t lived here long enough.

    When I was an undergrad, most of my friends would steal toilet paper from the university. Some even stole the utensils from the Cafeteria. The funny part was, they are Caucasian. I am not saying that I didn’t see some Chinese do that. But I did see a lot of non Asians do it.

    by the end of the year, there was two cupboard full of plates, 3 drawers full of utensiles, one of each type. and Toilet paper… well, other TV stand was made out of those toilet paper roll centers… the commercial ones, glued together.

    My point is, it is not whether the entire Chinese race should start to 自我檢討, but more to the point where we must rejoin together, and show the world that we are NO LONGER 4th class humans, like in the Ching Dynasty. We must show them that we can easily destory their race, their origin by simply continue to grown on this planet.

  18. 又拜謝滋然兄, 回答獨孤某之疑難問題, 另小人矛塞遁開。 亦始知世上可有滋然兄、加燦兄等知己、獨孤某真被丙而無憾。又要向蘇處長萬二分道謙,險些陷蘇處長於不義,請受小弟一拜。

    無知客君的『point 屎』亦很啟發地另小人大開眼界,真覺『一百歲唔死都有新聞聽』矣。

    首先亦要多謝《獻給你,獨孤求丙》君提醒,否則小人如將來入祖國觀光時誤闖重慶市境內,一定因詆毀13億人,『情節』極較重,當處以終極刑罰 – 10日之拘留 – 肯定破財兼慘被拉人封艇。但小人自少狡滑,所以亦有一計: 如蒙必要入重慶市,一定要說服比在下更『口不擇言』之人,如鄭經翰,長毛,盧博迪,司徒華等等;如此,重慶市公安有機會會漠視我此小人物,而轉移目標去拉佢哋。就是一齊拉,小人亦有這班偶像一起陪伴,一解獄中之苦,何樂而不為呢?

    又回《瘋人》君,其實違例,乞人憎,卑鄙,冇公德,冇天良,冇point,冇腦,冇眼睇…等等之事,天下世界處處都有;但無日無之,大比數泛濫地普及於民間,則非祖國(或其他共產/前共美產國家)莫屬也。又再者,人哋就算衰,亦絕對不能用其例子而 validate or justify 自己的錯處。當然,偉大嘅祖國亦有不少滋然兄所遇之有識之人,但現今仍屬甚少數。以在下親眼所見所聞,就是極有學識之祖國人,當衆亦『開礦』及做其他一鳴驚人之事,真另在下目定口呆。你估『人頭稅』,『排華法』,『狗與華人不准入內』等等,是否事出無因。 別的小數民族亦被歧視,心底裡唔計,但為何公然上的,冇排印法,排猶法,排日法,排黑法等等。

    其實諸位如以為小人周時侮辱自己人,則一定不知我在主流傳媒中,如星報,太陽報,CTV 等,亦不時去信悍衛中國人專嚴。 記憶悠新的一次,當接到太陽報來電傳銷,我直言皆因佢哋無數次侮辱及stereotype 華人,所以我堅拒訂閱。 但『死雞撐飯蓋』可以做幾多次,我自己亦冇把握。

    現寫完 D 咁唔正經 D 嘢, 立刻要去做 D 正經事了。 暫且謝過。

  19. Lonely poison mushroom likes to leave garbage opinions here all the time

    If he goes to HK;he will replace for To Kit

    I fear for Chao Git

  20. ball “ping’ is better than Tao Kit

    I fear for him losing his job to Lonely Mushroom

    if Lonely Mushroom decides to go to HK rather

    than squeezing himself in the ttc bus

  21. 回應〈不可能有民主〉及忠國人兄
    我其實亦大致相當同意〈有民主〉兄及忠國人君之見解,在一公民意識及政冶理念還未成熟之前而推行民主,很容易會進入一個所謂 slippery slope 的局面,再不能返回頭路。宏觀一黨專政局面,唐漢時代亦令人心怡神往。但試問中國五千年來,幾許有漢唐盛世?六四屠殺,外族入侵以至清朝及元朝成立,八國聯軍侵華,武則天及呂后專政,秦始皇之暴政等等,歸根到底,亦係冇反對黨抑制在野黨,另朝政腐財敗,當權者至可為所欲為。下下要十年一次就要一次抑起國難來推翻暴政,換來可能係另一個更殘暴,更腐敗嘅政權。但反過來睇菲律賓,台灣,泰國等地,亦施行民主,但貪污舞幣,政黨弄權,無日無之。
    【I Have a Dream 之 大東亞共榮 】
    首先規限於 Asia Pacific Rim, 由中國主持作東道主,邀請日本、南韓、台灣、及星加坡結盟 (Confederation),用聯邦制為基礎,全民一人一票但衡量人ロ不乎均分配 (non-proporational or semi-proportional electoral system),共同選舉,並共同製定憲法 (constitution),聯邦法 (federal law),州法 (state law),區域法 (disctrict or muncipality law),用本土二/三語制 (例如中國可用中英為法定語言,日本則用日、中、英為法定語言等等),國語轉繁體字 (因為中國大部份人與其他國家亦識中文繁體)為學校必選科目。經濟則當然採取自由貿易,互惠互利,國民旅遊《大東亞共和國 》國境內當然免簽証。
    這個概念,為參巧美加聯邦制及毆盟,雖然貫徹實淺時困難重重,但有歐盟之先例為借鏡,絕非絕不可為。 但如小人愚見在我生之年可實現淺,以下難題則不攻自破,應刃而解:
    1. 怎樣才可引進文明選舉制度入中國,才可加快 (jump start) 民主步伐
    2. 怎樣實淺 Henry Kissinger 之 “attaining stability through Balance of Power" 論,與美國平起平坐
    3. 解決蠢蠢欲動之台獨嘅死結
    4. 怎可令中文能為國際上舉足輕重之語言
    5. 怎可化解日本軍國主義之復興
    6. 怎可解決中日及日韓永世沒完之土地紛爭
    之後如大馬,菲律賓等國欲參於《大東亞共和國 》,乃無任歡迎。

  22. 喂, 求丙兄:
    今云你真係要改名做 “獨孤少丙" 至 0岩!
    你好似未分釋我d答案喎, 咁究竟我算唔算係果d外黃內白, 賣祖賣宗,逢中必反既漢奸?
    等你回覆. thank you!

  23. 滋燃兄:

    真唔好意思,剛剛想嘗試解釋兄台 D 答案,又見有人又叫我做『毒菇』,又另外呢位"Admire Lonely Mushroom “君重離譜,唔知做乜咁大整估,改在下名字做『獨菇』同『波丙』,莫非意思係『球丙』? 今次真係唔係要改名做『獨孤少丙』,而要改做『獨自丙人』啦。等等先,等我抹番我嘔到成地都係嘅血先可答你 D 問題啦…Darn..真"Lare Hare"…

  24. 是我們歧視自己,加上超強自悲心,超弱自尊心。

    ** 廢苦滋燃兄 : 漢奸近代新解-是促成五簇共和的大英雄,政冶上是

  25. 滋燃兄:
    乜有人話你係外黃內白嘅『香蕉』,賣祖賣宗嘅『反骨仔』,逢中必反嘅『漢奸』咩? 你當然唔係啦。唔怕,為知己而被丙,今生無憾矣,所以等我攬哂上身吧。正所謂一人做事一人當,我問 D 咁嘅問題, 答「係」又俾人話漢奸,答「唔係」又會俾人話無良。 總之入哂我數,話我咁大整估問 D 咁旣問題,『擺人上枱』便可以了。
    至於你 D 答案,在下愚見則可能始於小人之「人格分裂」所致, 所以有小小區別:
    1) 此處我之人格分裂作怪了。我左腦 (for logical reasoning) 則認為我等港燦乃非國寶,當然係鬧旣只係「佢班人」,關我乜事呀?! 但右腦偏中間 D (for emotions) 又唔底得人哋羞辱自己中國人。好似細個時目睹一澳洲馬戲團成員在油麻地一公園內因一港孩童拔了他的駝鳥一條毛而大力地掌摑他一樣,真是又 déjà vu ! 心裡似有一刺而無法拔出一樣。
    2) 當然同意兄台所見啦。此正因當共產、文革之禍害正深,大陸人民下放的下放農村,知識份子被鬥死的則被鬥死時,而香港人則有賴殖民統治下得以保持平穩教育水平之漸漸增長。矣…
    3) 當然我也一樣,想加國國旗揚威。 但想本國亦一定以三寸不爛之舌,可說服到中國俾我哋又接待達賴,而又令中國不毀約的 – getting the best of both worlds 是也。
    4) 我亦咁話啦。當然如果右腦 (for linguistic abilities) 比較發達之Chinese Ontarian, 就要拿拿林要 pick up 番 D southern Ontario accent 啦。 但如果唔知乜喺 southern Ontario accent 嘅話呢, 就乜嘢北美北邊 (e.g. Toronto, Chicago, Vancouver, Calgary, anglophones’ accent in Quebec) 嘅 口音就學鸚鵡咁,人點講你就自言自語 dup 底頭講十次就冇死o架啦。千祈唔好 pick up 咗美國南部 (e.g. The Duke of Hazzard 內或 Bill Clinton’s Arkansas) 嘅 口音 就笑曝人個咀啦,加國人也點會有咁重慨 nasal tone 呢。 我識得有人,將 Z 讀一半造 zad, 另一半做 zee,終於就讀成 “易zee"!
    5) 可能我好似兄台咁講, 見親呢 D 嘢就縮 (shrug) 吓膀頭, 而家因 “squished in TTC" 入面又睇得呢 D大場面太多了, 做人好似縮哂骨咁…
    6) 又是英雄所見略同!!!!
    滋燃兄, 敬你一杯先…

  26. honest

    r u 陶傑?

    I own all your books

    pls hv an autograpgh session soon………

  27. 求丙兄: 多謝回覆.
    上星期下載香港"民間電台"的節目"瀟灑一回". 蕭若元推論今天中國人為可會搞成咁……
    佢話: 共產黨49年立國, 以共產主義打倒催殘消滅儒家思想. 中國人以為好好啦,開始習慣共產主義.點知老毛整單大躍進,又整多單文革,透過黨內鬥爭,連自己的接班人包括劉少奇林彪都打跨鬥殘. 黨內鬥爭的打擊面卻延伸自黨外, 引至數以千萬計的平民百性死亡.
    老蕭話除老毛之外, 未見過有人把自己建立的政治架構一手打殘.
    儒家思想無左,共產主義又無埋. 所以中國人完全無晒任何的 value system 可以依咐,無人可以信,只可以信自己.不是向前看,而是向錢看.不是為人民服務,而是為人民幣服務.

  28. 獨孤求丙兄 And Everyone else:

    If we want to really talk about discrimination, we are the ones that discriminates other people the most.

    Take a traditional view of a Chinese villiage for example, Villiage A will discriminate someone who is from Villiage B.

    As we scales up, this gets bigger and bigger.

    We ended up with discrimination based on Province of heritage, Lastname, party of belonging (Left/Right), and others.

    Some may say it is not as serious as Discrimination, BUT IT IS.

    discrimination is categorization of a group of humans based on their pass, current and future possibility categorizable traits.

    In this case, the race of Chinese have been discriminated againsts and do we deserve it?

    Take another example, when some of the older generation refer to the Desi friends, in Cantonese, they are usually called ‘A-cha’, ‘Morelawcha’, etc.

    Achar is actually ‘yes’ in Indian.

    Would you call that discrimination?

    I did.

    So, is this Kharma?

  29. 滋燃兄道來蕭若元先生之一夕話,果真一語中的:棄儒家思想,崇無神論,但又共黨領導之下亦無別黨的選擇,始另人民失卻基本做人價值觀,等於在社會佈下無型之伏火線,以致無法無天及引為笑柄之事無日無之。
    〈獻給你…獨孤求丙〉兄可真取笑在下矣,兄台將此庸才兼市井之徒誤為才子陶傑,只另在下汗顏。若獨孤某不快快澄清,則在下好比九龍皇帝曾灶財,因為小人不只在公衆地方 (乃此 blog 網頁也) 東拉西扯塗污公物,並再又自認是才子級,當真另在下覺是在此 blog 內痴人說夢話也。但仍蒙〈獻給你…獨孤求丙〉及Admire Lonely Mushroom君之錯愛,亦當感激不盡。
    回應〈瘋人〉君之難題,文明進化巨輪,由石器時代開始已漸漸分等級,以此分野不同人等有不同適合個人之工作。自西周定下封建制度以公、侯、伯、子、男之等級制爵位以至科舉制,等級之分,乃以『有能者居之』來分別高低。各國中古以至上古時代亦有類似之封建制度分等級。 一有分等級, 就一定有不同待遇。 現時以加國來說,種族之間已經不題了,人與人之間,有錢人則歧視窮人,金髮會歧視 brunette, 俊朗的歧視平庸的外貌, 聰明的則歧視愚蠢的 (如在下)等等。以愚見認為, 任何有差異之人與物, 都可會有機會被人用不同待遇而對待,這真無可厚非。 但本國則授與人民足夠人權, 種族之歧視是有 recourse 的, 所以大致上亦冇問題。 但 若說 『the race of Chinese has been discriminated against and do we deserve it? 』,相信在下己長氣到再講就可能被『丙』了; 但總而言之,雖然當然絕對不應該,但我有時亦明白真中被歧視之原因。 『摩玀叉』或『亞叉』以愚見應為,只覺是有貶低之意,並無歧視之嫌。 而華人被人歧視是否因果報應就末知,但華人應當一面自我檢討,另一方面仍應出聲抗議,以免事情越攪越大也。

  30. 求丙兄

    I think we have a similar view point, but I must point out one thing.

    『摩玀叉』或『亞叉』以愚見應為,只覺是有貶低之意, Agree, but not to them, to us.

    Why must we use 亞叉 to refer to that group of people in the first place?
    some may say, because they are always saying ‘Yes’ in their native language. But don’t forget, Chinese people, when they go to a french restaurant, they would use French to order food, even if the restaurant is in the middle of Hong Kong, owned by a Chinese.

    Some people, because they work in a cafe that is at some traveler sight point in Hong Kong, they would use ‘English’ to ask you, who look absolutely Chinese and was speaking Cantonese with your friends before, if you’d like to order anything. Ignoring their English is terribly understandable, why on earth did they do it in the first place? Does it make them feel a little bit ‘Higher class’ then the rest their fellow Chinese?

    Now if you take that case into consideration, what if 亞叉 wasn’t used to 貶低 those people, but to actually say ‘Yes’ to them?

    So, in a dialog you’d have ‘You beep beep beep beep Chinese beep beep beep’ from an desi person.
    And the Chinese person who this desi person is speaking to would say ‘亞叉, 亞叉, 亞叉, 亞叉… (yes, yes, yes, yes….)’

    And then once they left the heardable zone of that desi person, they would go like ‘嗰個死阿叉 beep beep beep beep beep beep’


    So, next time you enter enter a fancy restaurant, PLACE ALL ORDERS IN CHINESE.
    [This last line is a joke… unless you really want to try it ROFL]

  31. 歧視往往都是有某些依據的,但是通過“某些依據”來拒絕全部,就變得不公平。

  32. To be honest, it is about time the Chinese race starts being its rightful place in the world.

    Some humans are always hypocritical, that’s how the world is. However, in Chinese we don’t just mock these type of people, we attempt to remove them from the society by telling stories of hypocritical and their terrible doom.

    In the non Chinese world, one is taught to be hypocritical, where did I get this from? One of the top selling books, written in English, is call ‘How to win friends and influence other people’. First lesson, how to not tell the truth is someone is wrong…. So, if a pilot is flying into a mountain and they didn’t care….one saw it, one would simply say ‘Oh I should not tell the pilot that he is doing his job wrong, because I might loose him as a friend’ ?

    It is about time, once the Chinese economy is strong and became offically a strong power of earth, then it is time to start ‘educating’ the rest of the world with Chinese teachings, because for it to survive for thousands of years, it must meant something.

    btw, saying they are ‘from the west’ is already discrimination by Race….. but don’t worry, Canada allows Free speech.

  33. correction,

    we attempt to remove them from the society by telling stories of hypocritical and their terrible doom

    is actually

    we attempt to remove them from the society by telling stories of hypocriticals and their terrible doom

    how to not tell the truth is someone is wrong

    is actually

    how to not tell the truth if someone is wrong

